June 9, 2011


Hi All! It seems finding the time to write long posts on this blog is proving to be a challenge for my schedule. I am still active with short posts on Twitter. Please look directly right of this post to follow me on Twitter.

Please feel free to continue to use the tools that I have provided on this page as they are good resources for contacting elected officials, etc.


February 3, 2011

Will a Supreme Court Strike Down of Obamacare Hurt Obama in 2012?

Dick Morris wrote an interesting article on Realclearpolitics.com today (click here for article). I agree with Dick Morris that a Supreme Court nullification of Obama's health care bill will hurt him in 2012. It will be difficult for him to say "re-elect me" if the economy does not pick up in the next year, if the world political situation continues to deteriorate, and if his only legislative success is found to be unconstitutional.

January 11, 2011

Governor Chafee Punishes Talk Radio

New Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee is implementing a new policy that bans state employees from speaking on talk radio shows while on the public clock. Because talk radio is "ratings-driven and "for-profit programming” the Governor believes it is wrong for state employees to promote these profit driven enterprises. Let me ask you a question Governor... Are you also going to ban state employees from appearing on "for-profit" TV news outlets or "ratings driven" TV talk shows? Absolutely not because the vast majority of TV talk shows and news outlets are left leaning in their views and hosts. This policy is clearly discriminatory and directed at right-leaning talk radio.

For more information click here.

December 28, 2010

111th Congress

The 111th Congress gave each and every one of us an additional $10,429.00 in debt. According to this article (click here) this is more debt than the first 100 Congresses combined. I just want to say a sarcastic thank you to this Congress. I appreciate the way that you looked out for the financial well-being of my family and the future financial well-being of my two children. Good riddance you selfish SOBs.

December 25, 2010

December 17, 2010

Goodbye Old Friend

We lost one of our dogs in the middle of the night last night. I took him to the emergency vet but they couldn't do anything but prolong his suffering. I'm quite bummed, but I'm glad that he is at peace now and that he is with god. We love you Jack and we will miss you. Thank you for your loyalty and for keeping constant guard over your family. Goodbye for now old friend.

December 15, 2010

Another Lazy Parent Sues McDonald's

I've posted on this topic a couple of times in the past, so for those of you who follow this blog on a regular basis, this post may seem like I am repeating myself. If that is the case I apologize.

Monet Parham, a mother in Sacramento, CA doesn't want to be a parent so she is suing McDonald's because her children are constantly asking her to take them to McDonald's for Happy Meals. She is blaming this harassment by her kids on McDonald's because they directly market their Happy Meals to young children. Surprise Monet, McDonald's is designed for children so they market towards children. Why are you so surprised that their commercials target children? Parham was quoted as saying "we have to say no to our kids so many times and McDonald's makes that so much harder to do". Really? How about you just say no and hold your ground like a real parent?

Parham goes on to compare McDonald's to tobacco companies. This is completely ridiculous. As I have said in previous posts, unlike tobacco companies, McDonald's offers a whole host of healthy eating options in its Happy Meals. It is up to you to as a parent to guide your children towards the healthy items. If you can't say no to your kids, or you are unwilling to show them the proper way to eat, maybe you shouldn't have children in the first place. Stop being lazy, stop blaming everyone else, and start being a parent to your children.

More information in this CNN.com story